What do I do after a car, truck or motorcycle accident?

Posted on October 30, 2016

The moments after any motor vehicle accident can be confusing and hectic.  Try to remain calm and follow these steps.

  1. You should remain at the scene of the accident.
  2. If the vehicles are damaged and/or someone has been injured, call the police and ambulance.
  3. Gather the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of the individuals involved in the accident, including any witnesses.
  4. Take down the other license plate details and the name and policy number of the driver’s insurance.
  5. If possible, take photos of your vehicle damage, the scene, and your injuries.
  6. Notify your insurance agent, broker, or insurance company within seven days of the accident.
  7. Contact a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer to learn about your rights.

Do I need to see a doctor after a car accident?

If you have been involved in a car accident or motorcycle accident, sometimes the full extent of injuries may not become apparent until hours even days after the accident. It is very important to see a doctor as soon as any symptoms my appear in order to prevent a delay in receiving any treatment that may be required.

Do I have to accept what the insurance company offers for my injury claim?

It is in the best interest of the insurance company to settle the claim as quickly as possible. By accepting an offer from the insurance company the case is considered closed and are releasing them from paying what you fully deserve. Before agreeing to settle your claim, you should always speak to a personal injury lawyer and make sure that you are adequately informed of your rights.

What if I can’t afford a lawyer?

We understand that finances can be tight after a car accident. Horwood Law Group wants to make your insurance claim process as easy as possible so you can focus on your recovery.  You don’t pay anything during the course of the personal injury lawsuit. Once you case is won or a settlement is reached, we receive a standard percentage. We do not get paid until you get paid.

What is my insurance claim worth?

The insurance claim process can be very complex.  The value of a claim takes time, as evidence has to be gathered by both sides and will be dependent on a variety of issues including:

  • whether you were partially responsible for the accident;
  • the nature and extent of your injuries;
  • the frequency, duration and cost of treatment;
  • level of disability you will be left with as a result of your injuries;
  • your pre-accident employment history and income;
  • the length of time it took you to return to work and the ability to return to the same level of pre-accident employment;

What if the insurance company says I caused the accident even though I didn’t

Insurance companies assess fault in accordance with the Fault Determination Rules. If you disagree with your insurance company’s assessment of fault, contact the claims adjuster handling your case. Take this opportunity to present any new evidence which may change the determination of fault.  In the case where your insurer still refuses to revise fault, then you may want to contact a personal injury lawyer.

The other driver in the accident does not have insurance. What does this mean for me?

In the province of Newfoundland & Labrador, those hurt by uninsured motorists may be entitled to compensation by their own insurance company under “uninsured motorist coverage.”

Newfoundland & Labrador also has coverage available for those with no coverage of their own. This is known as Facility Assistance.

How can I get help paying my bills since I can’t work since my accident?

If you have sustained an injury and cannot work, it is important that you focus on your recovery.  There are options to assist financially.

  • You may be entitled to Income Replacement Benefits from your insurance company
  • You may be entitled to accident/sickness benefits from employment insurance(Federal)
  • You may be entitled to short-term or long-term disability benefits through your employer.  Speak to your Human Resources department to find out what you are entitled to under your plan.

Speak to an experienced personal injury lawyer to ensure you are getting all the assistance that is available to you.

I can’t work because of my car accident injuries, what do I tell my employer?

After an accident, it may take some time to get back to your normal, day to day life and some injuries may prevent you from returning to work.  You should notify your employer about your accident and your injuries. You should also keep in touch with your employer throughout your recovery, updating them on your condition and a possible timeline of when you may be returning to your position.
